Automatic Writing

The Biggest Human Scam!

Have you ever felt lost? Truly lost?

Like you’re just floating through space and time, with no purpose, no direction?

Like you’re just floating, floating….

And maybe it didn’t even bother you that you were just floating – you were…. Just. Floating. Period.

I have felt this type of lost before. And at the time, it got me thinking (apparently I can be lost and floating around, but still my thinking brain won’t switch off!) – should I have a purpose, or goals?

And then I really got to thinking – I think goal setting is a sham!

Yes, I know! Big call, right?! And probably controversial! Everyone is talking about goals – long-term, short-term, #relationshipgoals, #lifegoals, fitness goals, weight-loss goals, career goals….GOALS, GOALS, GOALS!

They’re supposed to be inspiring, right? Or motivating? Get us to where we need to go, and all that. Yeah? I feel exhausted! And what happens when we reach a goal? We’re supposed to come up with another one! There’s always another goal! When do we ever get to just sit and enjoy where we are at?? Or float around for a bit?? I actually quite enjoy floating around now.

I have never been the floaty type though. I’ve always been a pretty typical Type A, focused, goal-oriented, planning ahead kind of a girl. So the realisation that, for the first time in my life, I didn’t have a goal, a plan, or feel like I was working towards something, should have hit me like a ton of bricks. Don’t you think? But, it didn’t!

Instead, I reallllly got to thinking…

The whole belief that if we set ourselves a goal, have a plan for how to reach it, stay positive and don’t give up, then one day we’ll reach our goal – well, it started to seem a little like hooey to me. And once we can tick off that goal as being reached, we’ll feel proud and accomplished, and in control of our lives – just because we reached our goal….hmmm….I’m thinking more hooey!

“But surely not!”, I told myself.

Even more thinking….. (stick with me, it’s going to get gooood. I think.)

A goal is just some arbitrary endpoint that we believe we should or need to get to, for some reason our minds tell us is important….right?

But, if we’re not striving towards our next goal, we’re just floating around, being unsuccessful, achieving nothing, getting nowhere in life….right???

This is where I started journaling my thoughts and getting it all out of my head, and trying to make sense of what my mind had just come up with. It felt important, ground breaking, controversial even!

I was feeling confused about where to go from there though, so I took some deep breaths, entered a meditative state and started automatic writing. (If you’ve never tried automatic writing, check out my blog post about it.)

I want to share with you the words that I ‘wrote’ that night. I have a feeling some people out there need to read them – maybe you do!

The first sentence refers to where I had written in my journal the sentence from above: ‘But, if we’re not striving towards….”, with 4 big arrows pointing to it on the page.

This right here is the biggest SCAM humans have come up with to try to create meaning in their lives!

Really, the only thing that truly means anything at all is LOVE. The only thing that goes with us from life to life is LOVE. It is the only constant, the only thing that really matters in this life.

The only things that we need to ‘focus’ on is LOVE.

When did humans forget that?

Why did we complicate things so much?

Money. Fame. Expertise. Recognition. Accomplishment. Success.

None of it means anything if we remember we are immortal, spiritual beings!

Why do we put timeframes and deadlines and due dates on everything, when we have eternity and all we really need is LOVE.

The lessons we learn, the people we meet, the opportunities put before us – all pre-determined to help us experience and appreciate unconditional LOVE.

LOVE in all its forms.

With LOVE we live forever.

No rush. No deadlines. No ‘life is short’!

With LOVE we live forever.

Automatic writing, June 2021

So what did/do I take away from that? Hmmm,…

  • Goals are hooey, and meeting goals doesn’t mean that we are, or will be, successful/happy/whatever;
  • If all we’re striving for is getting more money, success, recognition, accomplishment, etc. then we’re really missing the big picture; and
  • Humans are kind of stupid for forgetting that nothing matters all that much except for love!

When I read the words now, it doesn’t seem controversial at all – it seems pretty obvious: love really is the only thing that matters, and when we act with love, coming from a place of love, we don’t need goals or direction.

In fact, all we need is trust and intuition. And where do trust and intuition come from?


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