
Throat chakra healing: know your Truth, speak your Truth.

🙌Know your Truth.💙 Speak your Truth. 💥

If you are seeing this, this intuitive image and message are meant for you, but only take what feels right for you in this moment, and don’t force it. 💜

The blue chakra faery wants you to know that it is okay to let your words come out loud and true.

As long as you are speaking what you believe, you are speaking your Truth.

Your words are meant to be heard, and they need to be heard.

It may be scary to think of the fallout if you were to speak your Truth and not deny the expression of your self any longer. How will others react? Us humans are social creatures – we instinctually seek safety and security through acceptance and inclusion, so the idea of being abandoned or rejected when we share our true selves can be enough to send us retreating inwards.

However, we can get into the habit of being too careful with the words that come out, with the parts of ourselves that we share with the world.

It is not necessary for you to always hide your shadows from everyone. In fact, healing, to some degree, requires vulnerability with those you trust, and in order to discover who you can trust, you first need to be vulnerable.

When you allow yourself to express more than positivity you will release heaviness and then can welcome in more light and joy. You also encourage others to release what is weighing them down.

When you communicate with authenticity you glow brighter and your aura lights up. Your soul family can recognise you by your unique glow, and so you will never be alone.

Reveal your true self with self-love and confidence, with purpose, and for the highest good of yourself and All. 💜

With love & light, Melanie

#intuitiveguidance #messagefromspirit #speakyourtruth #throatchakrahealing

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