Intuitive & Holistic Medicine

The Most Sacred Connection

There is nothing more sacred than the connection between mind, body and soul. Yet, the last two years have really made it blatantly obvious that, as a collective, humanity has forgotten about our most sacred of sacred connections. With everything that has gone down throughout the world recently, it doesn’t take a genius to see that we have allowed ourselves to forget.

All over the world, people are ignoring that voice inside of each of us that is screaming to be heard: “this is not right! I am the only one who knows what is right for me and for my body! I am in charge of my body and I will not allow anyone to take ownership of my body from me!”

We are at this critical point in history, and we need to be thinking about where we go from here. We are that point of completely forgetting that we are the most important voice when it comes to our mind, body and soul. And if, as a collective, we can’t or won’t take back control over our own health and our own bodies and minds, what happens to humanity?

What irreversible damage will be done by the end of our lifetimes?

Where do we draw the line in terms of how much control over our bodies we give to others? Can we even draw a line in the sand now, or did we completely lose the ability to do that when we gave up ownership of our own bodies?

The body is the most sacred human invention, and to give up control of it to another separate entity makes no sense. We created the human form to make sense of the human experience, and what is the human experience without the human body?

What happened to our humanness?

And what of the mind – the mind, which we allow so easily to be controlled, thwarted, questioned, overruled, ridiculed, and mistrusted by others? The mind, body and soul are disconnected, and my tongue is literally itching with the desire to scream the Truth from the rooftops.

We were never meant to come here and give up our most sacred connection, and then attempt to make sense of the human experience. The connection we were all given when we were created – between the human body, the expansive mind and the ageless, all-knowing soul – was a gift to help us during our time on this earth. A truly wondrous, magnificent, magical gift.

To be able to connect to lifetimes of knowledge and experience at any time; to be able to experience the sensations of touch, sight, sound, taste and smell; to be able to ponder and philosophise; to have feelings and emotions; to analyse; to dream and visualise – all wonderful side effects of the mind-body-soul connection.

What is the human experience without any of that?

Instead of tossing this amazing gift aside, we should be sitting in reverence of it every single day. To be human is to be everything the mind-body-soul connection gives us and to embrace that. We don’t need to turn to anyone else for the answers, for quick fixes, for prescriptions and miracles! We need to prescribe for ourselves, we need to ask ourselves for the answers, we need to fix ourselves, and we need to remember that we are miraculous beings.

And we can. We can do all of that for ourselves. Spirit has reminded me through these words that it is my purpose in this life to remind others of their ability to heal themselves, to make the right choices for themselves.

I am not saying that we don’t need doctors’ advice or that medicine, treatments, therapies, hospitals, etc don’t have a place or aren’t necessary – that would be completely irresponsible of me. And I’m not advising anyone to avoid or ignore doctors or other health professionals. But there is a difference between going to doctor for advice and following their advice without question, and going to a doctor for advice and then asking yourself “is that right for me? Does that work for my body? Is there another option for me?”. Make sense?

A quick story might help prove my point. A single mum of two was in excruciating pain every day, she felt beyond exhausted and every day even the simplest of tasks required monumental effort. She paid a doctor $400 for answers, for help. He diagnosed her with fibromyalgia – so she got an answer of sorts – and told her there was nothing she could do about it. So, she got an answer but no help. She was without hope for months and had accepted that if modern medicine couldn’t fix her, there was nothing she could do but learn to live with the debilitating symptoms. And then one day, with her body screaming at her in pain, and her eyelids and muscles feeling so unbelievably heavy, she asked herself “am I really OK with this being my life, for the rest of my life?”, and a light bulb came on in her head…maybe the doctor was wrong, maybe she could do something about this….

I took back control of my body and I made myself CEO of my own health. I started listening to my body, to my mind, to my soul and I acted on what I heard. And 10 years later, I’ve been free of fibromyalgia symptoms for 7-8 years. I am a miraculous being, but I didn’t perform a miracle – I just reconnected, and I put myself in charge.

I gave myself hope. I gave myself control. I gave myself the life I wanted.

And you can too.

So lovely, are you ready to reconnect?

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