
Your Root Chakra & Your Health

This is the first article in a series of articles exploring the 7 chakras and each chakra’s role in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Starting with your base chakra, the Root Chakra, traditionally represented by the colour red.

The chakras are energy centres situated in specific areas of the body, and each chakra plays a particular role in your overall health and well-being. To find out more about what the 7 chakras are and why they matter, you might like to read this article of mine and this one.

Your Root Chakra is located in your pubic/groin area, just above your pubic bone. It extends out across your groin area, including vagina, penis, testes, anus and rectum, and across the base of your spine/tail bone.

Your Root Chakra plays a critical role in your overall health and well-being, as it is the energy centre predominantly focused on your physical health and vitality – right down to the cellular level.

When I tune into a client’s Root Chakra, I get a great sense of the state of their physical health. The Root Chakra is the base chakra for the flow of energy throughout the body, so it gives me a good indication of my client’s well-being overall.

Being in your physical body within the physical world, while being grounded and connected to Mother Earth through your feet – these are super important aspects of your health that are central to your Root Chakra.

Because your Root Chakra is your base chakra, it affects not only your physical health but can have a significant impact on the flow of energy to your other chakras and throughout your body. Although this chakra represents the state of your physical health, the health of your Root Chakra can also influence your emotional, mental and even spiritual health.

Think of a time when you have been unwell physically with a cold, for example – chances are you also felt ‘meh’ or ‘yucky’ emotionally, you probably had difficulty forming thoughts and making decisions, and you may have felt disconnected from your spirituality (depending your level of awareness).

The simplest way to know if your Root Chakra is happy and healthy is to check in with it in your mind’s eye.

First bring to mind an image or symbol that you choose to represent what your Root Chakra looks like when it’s healthy and happy – for example, a shiny, ripe red apple – and let your Spirit Guide or Higher Self (or whoever feels right for you) know that you’d like to see this image when your Root Chakra is doing well.

Then, simply bring your attention to your Root Chakra and ask to see this image if it is good. Try not to overthink it, and just allow an image/symbol/impression to come to you. If your image/symbol for ‘healthy and happy’ pops into your head, then you are good to go! If another image comes to mind – for example, a dry, shrivelled up apple – your Root Chakra probably needs some attention.

You may prefer to see/hear ‘YES’ for healthy, and ‘NO’ for in need of attention – this will work just fine as well.

There are also signs and symptoms that can help you to know if your Root Chakra is thriving or not:

Healthy & balancedIn need of attention
Plenty of energy
Feeling content
Sleeping well
Healthy, glowing skin
Bright eyes
Can easily ‘switch off’ to rest
Feeling balanced within self and in life
Feeling and looking flat, ‘meh’, dulled
Trouble ‘switching off’, especially at night
Focused on what’s going wrong
Feeling stuck, avoiding change
Uninterested, unmotivated
Disconnected, isolated
Feeling overly fragile or sensitive

Taking care of your physical body is the best way to keep your Root Chakra healthy and balanced:

  • Eating the plenty of the ‘right’ food for you – food that makes you feel good, food that is nutrient dense, and food that supports gut health.
  • Drinking 1-2L of water is of course important.
  • Participating in physical activities that feel good for your body and make you feel good physically.
  • Time spent in nature and connecting with Mother Earth to keep yourself grounded.

It is important to also add in here that stress is the most powerful and most common cause of poor physical health. If your mind and/or body are under constant stress and pressure from external sources (eg. environment, relationships, diet, workplace) anything else you do to improve your physical health will have minimal impact.

You need to have strategies to reduce the sources of stress on your physical body, as much as you possibly can, and to manage the effect of unavoidable stress (let’s face it, we live in a world where stress is not completely avoidable) on your physical health.

This quick and easy visualisation can help you to tap into Mother Earth’s incredibly powerful, energising and rejuvenating energy.

Root Chakra visualisation

If you have concerns about your chakra/physical health, it might be a good idea to book in for an Intuitive Medicine consultation or check in with your trusted health practitioner.

I hope you have found this article to be helpful, and be sure to check out my upcoming articles about the other 6 chakras – subscribe below to receive my newsletters and blog updates, so you don’t miss any of them.

I will also be releasing a Root Chakra Oracle card reading on my YouTube channel this week, with messages from Spirit intended for the improved well-being of the collective, so be sure to subscribe to my channel @MedicalIntuitiveMel to be notified when the video of my reading is published.

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