Intuitive & Holistic Medicine

Pain always has a purpose

woman in gray tank top while sitting on bed

While pain can be an uncomfortable inconvenience in our busy lives, it is important to know that pain always has a purpose.

When we are in pain it’s typical to look for that quick fix, so we can go about our lives without the inconvenience that is pain. We pop pills or we might book in a massage or a session with our physio, chiropractor, etc. Sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary to do what we need to do to deal with pain so we can go about our day.

Taking care of our kids or elderly relatives, showing up for that important meeting at work, not letting our team down – sometimes we just need to get rid of the pain so we can do what we have to do. Such is life, right?

Sometimes we just aren’t able to take the time to explore our pain, we just need to not feel it. And who wants to feel pain anyway, right? it hurts! It’s uncomfortable and doesn’t feel good at all.

I’m not just talking physical pain either – the same goes for emotional pain.

The inconvenience, the discomfort…why on earth would we ever want to do anything but deal with pain in a way that gets rid of it ASAP??

Why would we ever want to explore pain?

Sit with it? Give it time and space to be felt?

Sounds pretty stupid really.

Until we recognise that pain has always has a purpose. Always.

Pain is our body and our mind’s way of telling us that something needs our attention, something is off-kilter and it needs fixin’. Fixin’ is different to a quick fix by the way. It takes time and attention, and requires communicating with you.

I totally get that sometimes a quick fix is necessary, but you have got to get around to proper fixin’ at some point.

There is no such thing as pain simply to be a nuisance, there is always a purpose for it.

The purpose of your pain might be to get you to rest more. Or to look at changes you need to make to your diet. Pain can mean it’s time to see your doctor or preferred health professional for a check-up. Or that you’re going too hard and too fast at the gym.

Your pain might be telling you that something or someone is missing from your life. Or that you need to give yourself the same level of TLC you give to everyone else. Your pain could be screaming at you to just step back and breathe for a moment.

Pain can be a message of grief and despair, of the need for hope in your life. Pain can mean that it’s time to walk away from a relationship, or time to seek connection.

Pain can come when we ignore our own unique individual needs for too long, while we are busy trying to follow the crowd. We can literally experience the pain of self-sacrifice and self-sabotage,

The purpose of pain can be to bring us back to centre, back to our inner wisdom, back to what really matters to us. It can help us to seek and restore balance within by seeking and restoring balance in our external environment.

Pain can push us to open our third eye and search for answers beyond the non-physical, and to embrace connection to Divine through our crown chakra. Pain can indicate that the flow of energy through our chakras is blocked. Or that the circulation of nutrients throughout our body is compromised.

Our pain always has a purpose.

So how can you figure out the purpose of your pain?

Meditation is a fantastic way to sit with your pain and communicate with it. When you allow yourself quiet time, without the constant noise of life interrupting, your mind and body can be heard. You can ask for assistance from your spirit guides to explore your pain and its message for you. You will also be able to tap into your intuition to discover what your pain needs from you so that it can be healed.

Try meditating on the affirmation “My pain always has a purpose.”

Of course there are a plethora of health care professionals and practitioners of numerous healing modalities who can help you to investigate your pain and how to heal it. And although I recommend trying to discover the answers from within first, you should absolutely reach out to your doctor or preferred health practitioner if you are ever concerned about any physical or emotional pain you are experiencing.

My clients often experience profound healing when we delve into their pain during intuitive medicine sessions, and I reveal for them the origin and story of their physical and emotional pain. With my ‘clairs’ and intuition, and guidance from spirit, I can discover the message coming from the pain my clients experience, and I am often told the best direction for them to take in order to heal. Believe it or not, there have been times where simply bringing a client’s attention to their pain resolves it for them.

So sometimes, the purpose of pain is simply to bring our attention back to us.

You can find out more about what I do and book a intutive medicine session with me here

#painrelief #painfreeliving #painmanagement #intuitivehealth #innerwisdom

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