Intuition, Higher Self, Inner Wisdom Intuitive Insights

I am responsible for nurturing my needs

woman surrounded by sunflowers

I feel I have spent many a day feeling angry, disappointed, betrayed, let-down, or upset with people in my life who I felt weren’t doing a good enough job of meeting my needs.

Jeez…I can feel the heaviness of my expectations just by re-reading that sentence…it makes me cringe.

It wasn’t until very recently that I realised and accepted that the only – repeat ONLY – person responsible for making sure my needs are met is me.

I’m not going to lie – this realisation made me feel pretty relieved. To know that I don’t have to spend the rest of my life being hard on myself for being the ‘needy girl’. Finally I understand – my needs aren’t ridiculous or over the top, and I don’t have to talk myself out of them, I just need to put the responsibility for meeting them squarely and wholly on my shoulders.

I feel so empowered!

Instead of waiting around for someone else to figure out how to make me feel a certain way or going blue in the face trying to explain what I need in order to feel A, B, or C, I can simply enjoy and appreciate what others are able and willing to offer me and add to my life, knowing that I am responsible for filling in the gaps for myself.

It became so obvious to me that because I am the only one responsible for meeting my needs, I don’t need to depend or rely on anyone. And I don’t mean that in a “I don’t need nothin’ from any of youse!” kind of way (don’t know why I hear that with an accent in my head…maybe I heard it in a movie or something…). I say it and feel it in a loving way, like I am releasing my current and future loved ones from my expectations and needy dependence.

I feel so much gratitude for all that they add to my life simply by being themselves now.

Is this what the opposite of co-dependence feels like?? Ha, ha…but, seriously…it is isn’t it?

I feel so much more aware of my needs and what I can do to meet them. I am more connected with my Higher Self, with my mind and body.

When some part of me sends out a notification ‘hey, there is a need waiting to be met’, I know about it straightaway and I acknowledge it with love and gratitude, and set about discovering a way to meet it.

Instead of doing battle with my needs, I have so much respect and admiration for them. They all serve a purpose after all, and because I am taking full responsibility for them all, I can work on meeting my needs in my own time frame. Turns out they don’t all need to be sorted out yesterday or today!

I have learnt so much more about self-care and nurturing myself by affirming my responsibility for meeting my needs than I ever have or ever could by scrolling through #selfcare posts or going on retreat.

I feel such a sense of freedom, and a whole new level of compassion for myself.

I want to do right by me – mind, body and spirit – and I know if I ever get stuck or unsure about how to do that, I know my team in spirit will be able to point me in the right direction.

The effortlessness with which I now attract opportunities to discover, explore, and fulfill my needs for myself is actually pretty mind-blowing, and tells me I am definitely onto something very good here!

#selfcare #positiveaffirmation #innerwisdom #intuitiveinsights #freefromcodependence #selflove

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