Healthier, happier you Intuitive Insights Intuitive Medicine

I love that at the start of the year my mind races with plans and goals for the coming 12 months, and there is a sense of hope and newfound motivation. In January, it feels like nothing is impossible, and it feels like I have so much time up my sleeve to achieve everything I want to.

It is such a heady, ambitious, excited energy that I feel, and I find it tricky to stay present, and to remember that there is no point in only looking ahead. If I am not doing what I need to be doing right now, I’m not going to get close to where I want to be, right?

I’ve always been a planner, and making plans and setting goals for the year ahead feels fantastic; however, forgetting that life is happening right now, in this very moment, won’t do me any favours. As a planner, my greatest lesson has been that being flexible and following my intuition over and above my to-do lists is way more important than rigidly sticking with my plans.

I could write a book about all of the moments in my life when my plans fell apart around me, or I choose to completely abandon my plans, and I ultimately ended up on the right path – learning lessons and gaining perspective that I may have missed out on if my plans had played out.

I have that while it is important to have goals and plans for myself, life happens in each individual moment, and in each moment my intuition and my team in Spirit guide me towards my next step on my best and highest timeline. This takes a lot of pressure and stress out of making decisions and planning each day/week/month/year! And, as a bonus, I find I create and attract abundance and blessings with greater ease.

With less pressure and stress, of course I enjoy my life a whole lot more, and I’m also able to experience contentment, joy, happiness and satisfaction right now, rather than waiting until I have achieved my goals or reached some magical finish line.

On the other hand, if I only focus on where I want to be by the end of year, I can pretty much guarantee that when I get to mid-December I’ll still be waiting to allow myself to feel content and satisfied, and I’ll probably still be waiting to tick off most of my goals for the year too!

There is a card from my self-designed, soon to be available for purchase, Inner Wisdom oracle deck that comes to mind:

Anyway, enough from me – if you’re still with me, please find below a timeless intuitive image and channeled message for the collective. This came to me to be shared as a message for this week (beginning 15/01/24), but it doesn’t matter when it comes to you – if it feels right for you, then it is.

It is admirable to want to focus on levelling up or moving up in the world, to challenge yourself to reach new heights, however, when up is the only direction you are looking in you, you are missing out. When you set your sights on lofty goals, and set your mind upon making it happen with true gusto and determination, you forget that right now is important too.

Scrambling onwards when you need to stop and appreciate where you are at, might mean that you get there quicker, but without all of the tools you need to be fully prepared for being there.

Do you ever sit and marvel at how far you have already come? Do you ever stop and look around at all the beauty and magic surrounding you? Do you ever allow yourself to celebrate your growth, to feel grateful for the lessons you have learnt through overcoming challenges?

Life is not meant to be a race to some arbitrary finish line, only to then race to the next arbitrary finish line. We are meant to have time to savour, reflect, appreciate, and just BE.

You have gained resilience because of what you have already lived through, and this resilience, and your tenacity, have allowed you to climb higher and higher. Now is the time to allow yourself to feel content with yourself, with your development – if not now, when?

Allow contentment to wash over you, and for a moment, just appreciate where you are right now, where you have come from. Recognise that life can be beautiful at any point and you can feel happy and fulfilled at any time, at any point along your journey. You can choose right now to enjoy a life of abundance, prosperity, joy, happiness and beauty.

Right now, this very moment – regardless of how much you have ticked off your to-do list and your bucket list – this is when you can soar with ease and enjoy life, simply by choosing to do so.

#channeledmessages #intuitiveguidance #enjoythemoment #mindfulnesspractice #spiritualjourney #choosehappiness

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