With the full moon coming up this Sunday morning, 29th October (Australia) and lunar eclipse at the same time, it is a fantastic time to get really clear around what you need to be focusing on for your health and well-being.
Full moons are all about reflecting on what has come about for you after setting intentions under the new moon – basically, basking in the splendour of your manifesting power.
A lunar eclipse is like the workplace consultant who comes in every once in a while, tells everyone where they’re slipping and what’s not working well, ushers in big changes, and then merrily goes on their way.
If you have been holding back on accepting that it’s time to go in a new direction, expect it to come at you like a wrecking ball (but a helpful one, not a destructive one!) in the next few days.
The cards I have been drawn to pull will help you to prepare for what your focus will be pulled towards with this full moon/lunar eclipse.
Pick pile 1, 2, or 3 (or more than one if that feels right) from this image, and watch the video below for your full moon healing message.
If you are watching this at a later date, I do feel that the messages would still be relevant for you, so it is essentially a timeless reading.
Love & light,