Which of your chakras is most in need of your attention at the time of reading this?
And what can you do to improve the energy of that chakra?
Spirit has given me a message for three different chakras, and told me that the people who need those messages will know which photo is the correct one for them.
Allow yourself to be drawn to one of the photos below – a, b, or c – and check the bottom of this post for your message.
If you don’t feel a strong pull to any of the photos, you might like a personal, individualised scan or check-in of your chakras, which you can order from my Etsy store: https://medicalintuitivemel.etsy.com
Your Message
Your Message
a – Root Chakra: physical health at cellular level; Your physical body is most in need of your attention today. You are likely feeling flat, run down, or just plain exhausted, and it’s time to stop running on empty – it’s not actually getting you anywhere. Grounding is simple, non-strenuous way to help improve the health of your root chakra and your energy levels: walk barefoot on the soil or sand, sit under a tree, do a little gardening, etc. And remember that making sure you get adequate rest is a better way to progress forward than pushing yourself to your limits constantly.
b – Crown Chakra: connection to Divine, Universal Consciousness, merge with All; If you are feeling alone and deserted it’s because you are forgetting that you are connected to everyone and everything, to ALL, and you are never alone. You have spirit guides and angels who are waiting to walk by your side, to encourage, support and comfort you while you navigate the 3D world and its heaviness. Do not feel that you have to be burdened by all of humanity’s flaws by yourself, or that you are the only one who cares. Call on your spirit guide or angel/s to join you when you meditate, and they will help you to connect to Universal Consciousness, where you can make the most difference and feel reassured.
c – Sacral Chakra: emotions, creativity, sexuality; It really is time for you to stop stuffing your emotions down and labelling them as ‘negative’ or ‘positive’, ‘helpful’ or ‘unhelpful’, and just accept with love that there are many parts of you, and all parts are beautiful and have a purpose. To fully experience your journey and to fulfill your purpose for this lifetime, it’s important to embrace yourself in your entirety. Find what makes you feel passionate, inspired, motivated, and create time in your busy life to really and truly enjoy being you – this will help you to accept those times when you feel less than amazing as minor hiccups in your life.
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